The Making of a Toy Box

(click on the images to see larger pictures)

Thatcher is 2 years old.  He loves balls and trucks.

Step 1. I bought a Toy Box from Unpainted Furniture in Boulder and away I went.

Step 2. I woke up one morning and said out loud “Ball Trees”. That’s the inspiration.

Step 3. Started with burning in the design that was in my head. What balls would grow on trees?  Footballs and basketballs.

Step 4. Soccer balls as clouds and a Baseball tree where the balls are falling from the tree like apples.

Step 5. Add a few cars and trucks.

Step 6. Paint and stain in bright colors with an Espresso stain for the rest of the box.

Paul came up with the lettering of “Team Thatcher” for the top.
And there you go!